colabo movie

30 March 2012

“From the window opening onto rue R. facing the famous P. Centre, there is no need to lean much to see into the distance. To the right, the palace-centre P., the Forum, up as far as the (central) Bank of France. To the left up as far as the Archives. Perpendicular to this direction, the Hôtel de Ville and, on the other side, the Arts et Métiers. The whole of Paris, ancient and modern, traditional and creative, active and lazy”, wrote 
Henri Lefebvre, conceptualising urban rhythmanalysis 
(Lefebvre, 2004: 28). Here is our view, 

a view from  the co+laboradović  window
(Yagami Campus, Building 14, 6th floor)  which captures one of many rhythms of Tokyo.

29 March 2012