colabo movie

16 October 2014

co+laboradović  a welcome dinner for new international co+labo members 
In October 2014, four new members joined co+labo radović. A post Doctoral Fellow Jessica Pineda-Zumaran (United Nations University IAS), Keio PhD student Vedrana Ikalović, exchange PhD student Paula Jaén Capáros (ETSA Madrid) and a Double Masters Degree student Roxane Czarnobroda (ENS Lille) are adding to our cultural and disciplinary diversity, and are contributing to the strategy of an intellectually strong research laboratory. A modest izakaya dinner at one of the restaurants in Hiyoshi, joined by co+labo associates Prof Davisi Boontharm, Dr Akiyoshi Inasaka and Arch. Tetsuo Kondo, provided another opportunity to help the newcomers from Peru, Bosnia, Spain and France feel welcome and get integrated fast. Jessica's, Vedrana's and Paula's research profiles are at out Post Doc/PhD Projects page.