colabo movie

21 November 2014

co+laboradović   one day untill the opening of  UC Berkeley building and co+labo exhibition at the  LIXIL Center for  Research of Environmental Technologies @ Memu Meadows 
21 November at Memu Meadows was a busy day, marked by intensive preparations for the opening ceremony of the new LIXIL project, the Nest We Grow which was designed by University of California Berkeley. The Nest joins previous winners of the prestigious International Student Competition for the Next Generation Sustainable House - Waseda, Keio/co+labo Radović and Harvard. Local residents and high school students had special previews, along with the representatives of LIXIL Foundation and students from Kengo Kuma and Darko Radović laboratories, who have also helped Memu Meadows staff to organise all details. 
co+labo team, which provided images that accompany this report, has set up special exhibition which explains the Barn House as the venue for continuing experimentations and improvements, with particular emphasis on subtle, qualitative nuances of life with nature. 
The event on 22 November starts at 14.30, with the Press Review. That will be followed by presentations of the competition Jury, Berkeley and Keio/co+labo teams. The event, which is co-organised by LIXIL Foundation and Shinekchiku-sha, will be concluded by discussion about the next LIXIL Competition in 2015.

20 November 2014

co+laboradović   a ceremony at Memu Meadows on Hokkaido:  the opening of the new LIXIL  Foundation University California Berkley building + co+labo Barn House exhibition 
On 22 November 2014, at Memu Meadows in Taiki-cho, Hokkaido, LIXIL Foundation will be opening their new, Nest We Grow project. Design was based on the University of California, Berkeley winning entry at the 4th LIXIL International Student Competition in 2014 (under the guidance of Professor Dana Buntrock). 
A group of co+labo radović students is already at Memu Mewadows, setting up the exhibition about the past, present and future of our own Barn House, the winner of the 2012 competition (photos below).The co+labo Barn House exhibition will not only show some of the original material about design of the Barn House, but also provide samples of the ongoing research of its performance and ideas about the possible evolution of the Barn House over the years to come, but also collect feedback and ideas from the participants and visitors of the big LIXIL event. Over the next two days, this blog will bring brief updates about the preparations, the opening ceremony of the Nest and glimpses from our exhibition.