colabo movie

16 June 2015

co+labo radovićUniCanberra@co+labo urban research workshop started
A welcome party, introductory lectures, formation of international dérive groups, and first drifts into the urban fabric of Tokyo have started on Tuesday, 16 June, with co+labo students taking the guests to the locations which they are investigating within our various ongoing projects. Regular updates of those activities, seen through the eyes of Milica's students from the University of Canberra, can be found here +.

Snapshot 1 - the atmosphere at the welcome party in Hiyoshi
Snapshot 2 - several slides form Darko's introductory lecture
and some of his key-words and names: dérive, Guy Debord, Situationist InternationalTokyo, co+laboMeasuring the non-Mesurable,  Maurice Merleau-Ponty, chiasma, five senses (or more, Michel Serres), Being Singular Plural, Jean-Luc Nancy ... in the search of urban quality ... "go out and co+laborate!"

15 June 2015

co+labo radović     Milica Muminović+University of Canberra at co+labo   

Over the last two weeks of June, co+labo will be hosting the team from University of Canberra, and conducting joint urban investigation project – another dérive in Tokyo. 
This visit is very special for us, as Australian team is headed by co+labo's own Dr Milica Muminović, who has obtained her PhD at Keio in 2013. Milica’s students add value and another cultural layer to our ongoing, Debordean investigations of the urban. Together, will be exploring spaces and practices of everyday life of Tokyo which are, for some of the team members, ordinary, while for others - truly extraordinary, and enjoying the moments of various encounters with the Other
We hope that this project only opens another page in our collaboration with universities and schools of architecture and urban design from Darko's Land Down Under.

Milica's poster, below, is illustrated with images from an old Tokyo dérive, conducted with Davisi Bontharm's students from the National University of Singapore in 2010