colabo movie

11 September 2017

co+labo radović   co+labo September of international design workshops+symposia continues 

"The Anatomy of Islands" Symposium and Workshop, the events in which co+labo takes part since 2012, will start on 16 September, at the Adriatic island of Lastovo. The theme "In the Search for the Public"is of special importance for Japanese cities and central to co+labo and Darko's own ongoing research. Our team at the "Anatomy 2017" will be numerous, and include Riho Inagaki, Mayuko Mikogami, Yukie Takasu, Keitaro Onishi, Yumi Ishii, Yijia Wang, Shun Kato, Norimi Kinoshita, Masahito Motoyama, Takuomi Samejima and two co+labo Italians, Andrea Bonaiti and Luca Sironi, who have just completed their studies at Keio and are returning to Politecnico di Milano. 
Keio will be joined by the Meiji University (Davisi Boontharm Studio) and University of Tokyo (Kengo Kuma Lab) teams.

Learning the history of western urbanism first-hand, from the historic core of the city of Split, started immediately upon the arrival, by retracing some of the walks and dérive sessions from the  old (2011) co+labo project The Split Case, and on the beaches and in the cafes of the town.