colabo movie

13 June 2018

co+labo radović        Keio Architecture co+labo @ PoliMi Transitional spaces workshop     
Keio Architecture team - Professors Toshiharu Ikaga, Akira Mita and Darko Radović, and Meiji University Professor Davisi Boontharm took part in an international workshop "Transitional spaces for smart, sustainable and sensuous settlements" in the Italian town of Lecco. The focus of this design-research project was on a real project, the improvement of the Lecco Rowing Club sports facilities on a beautiful Lago di Como. The workshop, part of a joint Erasmus+ initiative of Politecnico di Milano and Keio University, Tokyo, explored the concept of transitional spaces, as an umbrella term open to interpretation from the points of view of urban design, energy efficiency, human
behaviour, building technology etc. Student teams included three co+labo Masters students who currently study at Politecnico di Milano, Yamashita Shohei (Double Degree in Architecture), Norimi Kinoshita, Masahito Motoyama along with Natsuko Yamamoto from Mita Lab (short exchange).
The results were very well received by the Rowing Club and members of the community, as reported in the local newspaper (above).

co+labo radović  co+labo thinking Smart Communities@Amsterdam Sluisbuurt Workshop
(just completed - information follows soon)