colabo movie

15 May 2019

co+labo radović   two seminars@co+labo: Milica Muminović+Ray Lucas talk on their research
As every year, spring is the time when diversity and intensity of activities at co+labo reach their peak, the time of the semester to get inspired and to inspire, leading towards production in the fields of design, design-research and research. Tuesday 14 May marked one of the peaks in an already intensive programme, with two guest lecturers presenting their own work and entering discussion how to make what they do useful in and for various co+labo projects. 
The first of two research seminars was delivered by Milica Muminović, Programme Director for Built Environment of at the University of Canberra, Australia and first co+labo PhD graduate. In Assembling: mapping, diagramming Milica used some her latest work top open discussion with her kohai, current co+labo students and associates (below left). 
Professor Ray Lucas of the University of Manchester was for the third year in a row visiting co+labo. This time his erudite presentation (below right) focused on the key parts of his latest book Drawing Parallels: knowledge and production of axonometric, isometric and oblique drawings. 
Both lectures were followed by rich discussions. Ray's book - highly recommended!