CO+LABOradović party
9.2.2013 co+labo students have organised the end of the school-year partythe 2012-13 party was special, with many former students and some of the valued co+labo friends and associates attending
Komatsu Katsuhito, who has just graduated from co+labo, hosted a brief discussion in which Jorge Amazan (Keio, former staff member of co+labo), Toshiki Meijo (Kengo Kuma Architecture Associates), Tetsuo Kondo (Tetsuo Kondo Architects), Takumi Saikawa (KKAA), Tamao Hashimoto (Geidai), Sano Satoshi (Eureka Architects, assistant at co+labo since 2009) and Darko took part

Darko, Sano-san and Jorge with first generation of co+laboradović students (2009)