co+labo radović learning by doing: co+labo in international competition
Following an initiative by the award winning architect Bratislav Gaković, co+labo team lead by Rafael Balboa, another professional of considerable experience and the co+labo Visiting Fellow in 2020, took part in an interesting competition of ideas - Cool Abu Dhabi Challenge. In educational terms, the intensity, complexity and quality of work with those two architects provided learning experience which, to co+labo student team, already constitutes an award. The project focused at quality of life in outdoor spaces in challenging climatic conditions - thus bringing Darko straight back to his first love in the world of environmentally responsive and responsible design - bioclimatic architecture and urbanism.

As still, long after the submission of competition entries, the organisers have not released the results, we can only assume that our Alchemy proposal was not among the winning schemes. Regardless official recognition, before the start of the new semester at Keio and new cycle of co+labo activities, we want to celebrate this excellent effort and success of our team.
Sincere co+labo congratulations and thanks go to Braca, Rafa and the team of students - Muxi Yang (now at Princeton), Amami Iwata, Junpei Kawamoto, Shinichi Nishibori, Hiroki Shigemura and Yuki Mori. Well done!