co+labo radović co+labo+dbStudio Bangkok architecture+urban design Fieldwork took off
Following introductory sessions at Keio and Meiji Universities, co+laboradović+dbStudio have started their Bangkok Fieldwork with a joint on-site briefing session. Over the next three days and nights, students will be exploring some of the most fascinating places and practices of this complex city, in search for urban intensities of Bangkok and the essence of their own, individual architectural positions and expression. co+labo blog will be bringing regular updates.

co+labo radović Harada Yuki's presentation continues co+labo research lecture series
Following the Golden Week holidays, co+labo+Keio Architecturelecture series continues on 15 May with Harada Yuki's Ode to the Time, what is the time in architecture?, an address to the students enrolled in our Masters (Studio A) and SD Graduation Design (Seizu III) students.